News and announcements

Posted Monday, May 11, 2015 - 17:16

From 2nd of March to 7th of March 2015, a delegation from Burkina Faso, led by Eng. Joseph Nana spent a week in Rwanda. The delegation was hosted by RICTA Ltd. The main objectives of the study tour were primarily to learn how the Rwanda Internet Exchange (RINEX) was put in place; the learnt experience and challenges, and secondly on how Rwanda implemented a virtual landing point (VLP).

The full report is attached. Credit: Ghislain Nkeramugaba

Posted Monday, May 11, 2015 - 15:45

The following is an example configuration file for a BIRD route server ( courtesy of Mike Barnard from the Uganda Internet eXchange Point ( This configuration includes support for selective policies by way of BGP Communities. For more information, including an example of a participant/peer client-side route configuration file, see here:

### Begin Example Configuration

log "/var/log/bird.log" all;
log syslog all;

router id;
define myas = 12345;

protocol device { }

### The following function excludes weird networks such as
### rfc1918, class D, class E, and too long or too short prefixes

function avoid_martians()
prefix set martians;
martians = [,,,,,,,{25,32},{0,7} ];

### Avoid RFC1918 and similar networks
if net ~ martians then return false;
return true;

function avoid_crappy_prefixes()
if net.len < 8 then return false;
if net.len > 24 then return false;
return true;

### Protocol Template

template bgp PEERS {
local as myas;
import all;
export all;
route limit 10000;
rs client;

### Generic Input Filter

filter bgp_in {
if avoid_martians() && avoid_crappy_prefixes() then accept;
else reject;

### BGP output filter (based on communities)

function bgp_out(int peeras)
if ! (source = RTS_BGP ) then return false;
if peeras > 65535 then return true; ### communities do not support AS32
if (0,peeras) ~ bgp_community then return false;
if (myas,peeras) ~ bgp_community then return true;
if (0, myas) ~ bgp_community then return false;
return true;

protocol bgp R_87654 from PEERS {
description "R_87654 - peer 1";
neighbor as 87654;
import filter bgp_in;
export where bgp_out(87654);

protocol bgp R_76543 from PEERS {
description "R_76543 - peer 2";
neighbor as 76543;
import filter bgp_in;
export where bgp_out(76543);

protocol bgp R_65432 from PEERS {
description "R_65432 - peer 3";
neighbor as 65432;
import filter bgp_in;
export where bgp_out(65432);

protocol bgp R_54321 from PEERS {
description "R_54321 - peer 4";
neighbor as 54321;
import filter bgp_in;
export where bgp_out(54321);

Posted Saturday, May 2, 2015 - 15:40

Join us in Maputo, Mozambique for the 6th AfPIF Conference 25-27th August 2015. Don't miss the premier peering event in Africa.

AfPIF attracts ISP's, content providers, governments an IXP's for three days of learning, sharing and building business in Africa.

Why should you attend AfPIF-2015? Have a look through AfPIF-2014 report that contains briefs of presentations, emerging discussions, speakers and sponsors at:

Interested in giving a presentation or participating in any of our discussion panels - submit your proposal to the program committee based on the AfPIf-2015 Theme and agenda:

Sponsorship opportunities are available to promote your business to these key audiences - find out about the opportunities here:

Register now to secure your place - and remember to check your visa requirements for travel to Mozambique:


L’inscription à la Conférence d’AfPIF-2015 est ouverte!

Rejoignez-nous à Maputo, Mozambique, pour la 6ème édition de la Conférence d’AfPIF du 25 au 27 août 2015. Ne manquez pas le premier évènement de peering en Afrique.

AfPIF attire les FAI, les fournisseurs de contenu, les décideurs politiques et les Points d’échange Internet au cours des trois jours d’apprentissage, de partage et de formation de réseau d’affaires en Afrique.

Pourquoi y participer? Jetez un coup d'œil au rapport d’AfPIF-2014 qui contient un sur les présentations, les discussions émergeantes, les
présentateurs et les sponsors at:

Si vous êtes intéressé à faire une présentation à cette occasion, ou à participer à une de nos tables rondes envoyez votre proposition au
comité de programmation basé sur le thème et l’ordre du jour d’ AfPIf-2015, disponibles ici:

Les opportunités de parrainages sont disponibles pour promouvoir votre société à ces publiques cibles – plus de renseignements sur les parrainages sont disponibles ici:

Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour garantir votre participation – et merci de penser à vérifier votre besoin de visa pour le Mozambique:

Posted Friday, October 3, 2014 - 13:55

A Memorandum of Understanding is a key document for any Internet exchange point. It establishes a clear set of rules and guidelines which exchange participants can follow in order to ensure they remain in good standing. This document can also (optionally) include payment related terms and conditions.

This document template originates from the Tanzania Internet eXchange (TIX) and Uganda Internet eXchange Point (UIXP). We hope it serves as a useful reference for IXPs who have not yet implemented a Memorandum of Understanding or would like to compare and update their existing Memorandum of Understanding.

Posted Friday, October 3, 2014 - 13:38

This section of the website contains document templates and other information relevant to Internet exchange point operators. If you would like to contribute something to this section of the site, please contact us.
